Inheritance Law

As a result of the experience acquired over the years and a synergetic interaction with experts in the sector (such as graphologists and neuropsychiatrists, with regard to issues concerning the ability to draft a will and the validity of testamentary statements, as well as tax experts, with regard to the fiscal impact of testamentary dispositions), the Firm is able to offer legal and extra-judicial assistance in matters of succession and, more generally, the protection of private assets in the perspective of their future management.

In the extrajudicial field, in particular, the Firm offers its clients assistance in relation to the execution of dispositive acts, the constitution of specific management instruments (such as trusts and foundations), the manifestation and drafting of the will, identifying the most suitable asset management solutions in view of the future succession.

The Firm also offers assistance in the pre-litigation and mandatory mediation phase, as well as during the litigation phase and, at the end of the succession or divisional proceedings, assists the client in the further necessary steps to be taken and in managing relations with public and private institutions.


This activity is mainly handled by

Lorenza Zannini

Lorenza Zannini

Remo Danovi

Remo Danovi

Anna Galizia Danovi

Anna Galizia Danovi

Filippo Danovi

Filippo Danovi

Matteo Gozzi

Matteo Gozzi

Serena Canestrelli

Serena Canestrelli

Paola Manzone

Paola Manzone

Marco Valerio Micale

Marco Valerio Micale

Riccardo Pesce

Riccardo Pesce

Federica Giulia Colombo

Federica Giulia Colombo